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DELPHI_space, Fribourg-en-Brisgau (DE)
7 septembre - 13 octobre
vendredi et samedi : 17h-20h, dimanche : 15h - 18h
Commissaire/curator : Hanna Weber
Assistante commissaire/ Curatorial assistant : Katharina Grün
"oooh yes! Premium Water" is the inscription on the water bags, hand-sized plastic pouches containing fresh water, which are sold on every street corner in Lagos, Nigeria's capital, before being thrown away. Unlike the slightly heavier plastic bottles, they are scattered by the wind in every corner of the city because of their lightness, the artificially manufactured material blending into the built and natural environment. This is how we come across water bags in a large proportion of Gabriel Goller's shots, whether in a photograph of a riverbed lined with garbage, between the stalls of a ground-level market or in the hands of a truck driver drinking. The series, which was produced over a period of one year, focuses on Lagos as a place of hectic activity and cultural diversity. Amidst the urban chaos, Goller seeks out moments of calm and tranquillity, capturing his surroundings in such a way as to minimize the distance between photographer and photographed subject. The shots, rich in color and detail, allow the public to immerse themselves in the reality of life in Africa's largest metropolis. In an environment marked by harshness and disorder, small moments of beauty and hope appear, which Goller sometimes contrasts with sadder scenes.

Tomorrow Beyond, Galerie Markt 21, Weimar
16.08 - 16.10.2024
“Tomorrow Beyond” is a multimedia exhibition that confronts the viewer with the reality of life in an African mega-metropolis and highlights challenges that we are already familiar with and could still face. Through a poetic, unobtrusive visual language, the exhibition makes the distance between the viewer and the viewed disappear. Portraits reflect people's fears and longings and interweave stories from Africa with realities from European cities. This juxtaposition builds a bridge between the worlds by focusing on African and European metropolitan regions.

a group Exhibition by Julian Herstatt, Nathan Egel, Sina Stolp & Gabriel Goller
Kuenstlerwekstatt L6 Freiburg
18. März – 16. April 2022

Stretched Terrains, a mobile residency across West Africa
"Stretched Terrains," a mobile residency across West Africa, features the "Molue Mobile Museum of Contemporary Art," a converted bus traveling with international artists from Lagos to Dakar. Initiated by German-Nigerian curator Emeka Udemba in collaboration with the Goethe-Institut Nigeria, this three-month journey, aims to make contemporary art accessible to a wider audience, exploring public spaces as social and political hubs. Along the route, the artists will create and present their work, fostering dialogue about the role of contemporary art in Africa. "Stretched Terrains – Das mobile Museum auf dem Weg zur Dak’Art" is a project of the Goethe-Institut Nigeria, supported by Lufthansa and Brussels Airlines.
Oil Flow, a documentary search for the remainders of the oil industry in Elsass, France
Herderbau Freiburg
1813 was the first time humans ever drilled for oil. This took place in the northern parts of Elsass in France. Ever since this region supplies a small but constant contribution for local gas production. Nowadays mostly private companies are drilling for oil there.
The Series „Oil Flow“ tracks the remainders of this machinery from the abandoned factory premises to the oil fields and gigantic tanks used for storage. Today nature is once more subduing this idle lying places. The Photographs were silkscreen printed in small numbers on cottonwood plates. The notable coloration emphasizes the atmosphere in the field.