Everywhere is a better Place
preview of 7 pages
The photo series "Everywhere is a better Place" presents a selection of 35 photographs taken over the course of one year in Lagos, Nigeria. Lagos is known for its vibrant hustle and bustle, cultural diversity and chaotic atmosphere. In the midst of this hustle and bustle, moments of peace and quiet were sought and captured in a way that reduces the distance between photographer and photographed to a minimum. The sometimes poetic imagery creates a connection to places and people, allowing the viewer to immerse themselves in the reality of life in Africa's largest metropolis.
The Photobook "Everywhere is a better Place" is handmade by the artist and limited to 50 copies.

Prayer & Dreams
selected pages
The American Dream. Once motivation enough for millions of people to settle down in the City of Detroit. Attracted by the promising prospects of the fast growing automobile and metal industry, Motown became the backbone of Americas economy. Nowadays the city is a place full of wasteland, vacancy and mystical decay. One can only guess the glory of the past days. On his 3 months stay in Detroit, photographer Gabriel Goller went on a chase to capture this unique spirit.